Life Happens!

Sorry for the delay in my posts. As I said life happens and sometimes you can’t get to your writing. Update on the virtual critique! It was extremely successful for everyone. I meet with three “seasoned” ladies (as in they have more published experience than me!) who gave me some very good advice. I knew my story was needing some work, but I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Of course , I was reminded of the old adage “show, don’t tell”. (We all said that about each others’ work). I had too many “stage directions”; I apologized for my life in the theatre! There was an excellent suggestion for Chapter One and how to handle my (troublesome to me) Chapter Two. Everyone loved how I opened the story and they felt I have an excellent grasp of the world I’ve created. One person said I’m about eighty-two percent there (which I was thrilled at that number!) Biggest change, a different name for my lead character. Emma is too close to Imma and that can cause some confusion. I’m considering Emilyann with her going by Emi or Emy. Suggestions would be appreciated. I highly recommend finding a good group of people to bounce things off.